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An Evaluation of Nutrition Provisions and Practices of ECEC settings in the Nerang Alliance
The objective of the project aligns with those of the ‘Measurement’ stream; specifically outcome domains aimed at exploring ECEC nutrition policies, menus, food provision, children’s dietary intake, identifying enablers/barriers to food provision and employee’s nutrition-related knowledge, attitudes and practices. This project will employ currently available validated assessment tools (i.e. WellCCAT and EPAO-SR) and examine their fit-for-purpose for measurement of the outcomes identified.
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Breakfast consumption of young Australian children under 5 years of age attending long day care (LDC
Breakfast consumption in early childhood may provide an excellent opportunity to target early health interventions aimed at improving overall dietary outcomes and overall healthy eating of young children attending LDC. This study aims to explore:
* breakfast consumption and breakfast quality trends over time for young Australian children
* quality of breakfast provision of young Australian children attending LDC
* enablers/barriers of healthy breakfast provision within LDC settings - 0
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Cost, wastage, and environmental sustainability: important considerations for healthy food provision
This study aims to understand current barriers, enablers, and support service usage of LDC in Victoria, Australia, for the provision of compliant on-site LDC menus, particularly in relation to food cost and wastage. Using participatory design methods, this study will explore the potential role that environmentally sustainable food practices can play in overcoming barriers to menu compliant food provision in long day childcare settings.
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Insights of LDC menu planners and user experience of FoodChecker
The focus of the current study on menu planner experiences with FoodChecker is based on two prevalent research gaps; (1) lack of evidence about menu planner acceptance and use of online menu planning tools; and (2) lack of published data about FoodChecker, despite Victorian government investment in this state-wide resource. The aim of this study is therefore to explore acceptance and adoption of FoodChecker to support healthy menu planning in the Victorian LDC sector, using constructs of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).
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NOURISH: Early Childhood Education
This project will establish an evidence-based model for how child health nurses in QLD can
support educators working in early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings implement
responsive feeding practices during children's mealtimes to reduce food fussiness and
increase fruit and vegetable consumption.Working with one of Queensland's largest ECEC providers and child health nurses from Children's Health Queensland, a multi-modal training package was developed and evaluated, based on the content of the successful NOURISH trial. The NOURISH program provided parents with information regarding the use of responsive feeding practices during complementary feeding, which resulted in lower food fussiness and improved fruit and vegetable intake amongst young children. Focus groups were conducted to inform the translation of key NOURISH messages into face-to-face professional
development and online modules for nurses and educators. A unique training module was developed and facilitated by nurses – delivered to educators in the ECEC setting with a focus on effective community partnerships. - 0
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Nutrition environments in Victorian long day care centers – do they align with best practice?
Childcare centers play an important role in influencing the early establishment of children’s food preferences. There is relatively low uptake and implementation of centre-based policy, therefore it is difficult to determine how such policy assists in supporting childcare nutrition and physical activity environments and practices.
This study seeks to:
* Assess and analyse written centre-based nutrition policies from Victorian long day care centres to identify comprehensiveness and strength of nutrition guidance
* Compare centre-based nutrition policy with best-practice guidelines to identify key areas for quality improvement to enable implementation - 0
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The picky eating project
The picky eating project aligns with the measurement stream. The project aims to investigate both environmental and bitter taste phenotype determinants of picky eating in school-aged children 7-12 years. This research will generate new validated tools. A parent-reported core-food Picky Eating Questionnaire (PEQ) and child-reported Food Preference Questionnaire (C-FPQ) and explore picky eating as a behavioural issue via the potential genetic-phenotype basis of bitter taste sensitivity.
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An Evaluation of Nutrition Provisions and Practices of ECEC settings in the Nerang Alliance
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