National Nutrition Network

Knowledge Exchange Sessions

In 2021 the NNN hosted three National Knowledge Exchange Sessions attended by 58 different stakeholder organizations from across the ECEC and public health space.


Understanding the ECEC and Nutrition Interface. How the public health nutrition sector supports the ECEC sector and where the gaps and needs are.


Understanding the ECEC and Public Health Interface- A Focus on ECEC Educators: Understanding ECEC educators—Viewing nutrition interventions through an educator’s lens


KES 3 - Achieving System Level Change and Support inEarly Childhood Nutrition Exploring narratives and pathways for advocating system level change

Conferences and Symposia

Conference Presentations

1. Developing a role statement for dietitians working in Early Childhood Education and Care. (Dietitians Australia Conference, Brisbane. Vincze, L., Gallegos, D., Lepre, B., Sambell, R. and Byrne, R. 18-20 August. 2024).

2. Forming a Community of Practice to improve food environments in early childhood education and care: The “how to” for system change. (Australasian Journal of Early Childhood Conference. Sambell, R., Byrne, R, and Love, P. 8-9 February 2024).

3. Nurturing children where it is needed: towards equity-driven nutrition investment to help children thrive in early childhood education and care settings. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 82(OCE2), E153, Article E153. (Elliott, K., Goris, J., Irwin, C., Kirkegaard, A., Frazer-Ryan, S., Philipson, A., Gallegos, D., Vincze, L., Sambell, R., & Byrne, R. 2023)

4. Working together to increase Australian children’s liking of vegetables: a position statement by the Vegetable Intake Strategic Alliance (VISA). Public health nutrition, 1–5. Advance online publication. (Cox, D. N., Campbell, K. J., Cobiac, L., Gardner, C., Hancock, L., Hendrie, G. A., Kelaart, A., Lausen, M., Poelman, A. A., Sambell, R., Tikellis, K. M., & Wiggins, B. 2023)

 5. Lessons learned in measuring the value of communities of practice for systems change: findings of the National Nutrition Network—Early Childhood Education and Care, Australia. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 82(OCE2), E102, Article E102. (Sambell, R., Wallace, R., Costello, L., & Devine, A. 2023).

6.  Identification and evaluation of the tools utilised for measuring food provision in childcare centres and primary schools: a systematic review. ISBNPA conference, Phoenix Arizona, USA. (Audrey Elford, Cherice Gwee, Maliney Veal, Rati Jani, Ros Sambell, Shabnam Kashef, Penelope Love. May 18-21, 2022)

7.      Benchmarking food provision guidelines for Australian Early Childhood Education and Care services. (World Public Health Nutrition Congress, Brisbane, Australia. Spence, A., Wakem, A., Sambell, R., Devine, A., Rozman, M., Byrne, R., Golley, R., Schroeter, K., Trajcevski, B., Kambouris, R., Archard, D., MIddeke, J., Cassado, J. and Love, P. , 31st March-3rd April, 2020)

8. NNN role and collaborative potential.  (Vegetable Intake Strategic Alliance: Networking meeting. Sambell R, October, 2019)

9. Best practice food and nutrition in Early Childhood Education and Care – the National Nutrition Network and opportunities for Dietitians. (Dietitians Australia conference Sambell, R., Love, P., Matwiejczyk, L. and Byrne, R. August 2019.)

10.   Knowledge brokerage as a mechanism to catalyse change in ECEC food environment. (Australian Public Health Conference, Cairns, QLD, Sambell, R., Wallace, R., Costello, L., Lo, J. and Devine, A. 2018. 26-28 September, 2018)

Inquiry Submission Presentations

2024 Productivity Commission Transcript

2022 Joint Standing Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People at the Legislative Assembly Transcript