May 30, 2021 | Research, Service/Community Level
Early childhood education and care services are a significant feature of Australian family life, where nearly 1.4 million children attended a service in 2019. This paper reports on the cost of food provided to children in long day-care (LDC) services and extrapolates...
May 30, 2021 | Research, Tools
Background There are currently 1.3 million children utilising Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services in Australia. Long day care (LDC), family day care and out of school hours care currently provide this service in different environments. This research...
May 12, 2021 | Research, Service/Community Level
This published paper provides results from Queensland’s LEAPS program. Cleland, Phoebe, Byrne, Rebecca, Vidgen, Helen, Irvine, Susan, Farrell, Ann, & Gallegos, Danielle (2018) Advancing Australia’s agenda for young children’s health and...
Dec 8, 2020 | Policy Level, Research
Early childhood is a critical stage for nutrition promotion, and childcare settings have the potential for wide-reaching impact on food intake. There are currently no Australian national guidelines for childcare food provision, and the comparability of existing...