National Nutrition Network
Policy Brief 2 – A case for mapping Food Provision across jurisdictions and ECEC services and settings: How one tick box can build and support the bigger picture in early childhood health and education development

Policy Brief 2 – A case for mapping Food Provision across jurisdictions and ECEC services and settings: How one tick box can build and support the bigger picture in early childhood health and education development

Policy Brief 2 Over 900,000 children up to school-age attend ECEC services,1 meaning that these children could be accessing of their daily dietary intake whilst at an ECEC service. ECEC services present an opportunity to support child development through nutritious...
Policy Brief 1 – Achieving Equality and Equity in the Provision of Food and Nutrition Support in Early Childhood Education and Care Settings: Opportunities and Actions for System Change in Australia.

Policy Brief 1 – Achieving Equality and Equity in the Provision of Food and Nutrition Support in Early Childhood Education and Care Settings: Opportunities and Actions for System Change in Australia.

Policy Brief 1 There is a lack of equality in the provision and accessibility of initiatives, programs, services, training and resources which support ECEC settings to provide safe and healthy food environments across Australia. ECEC services often provide up to...
Queensland Healthy Kids Menu

Queensland Healthy Kids Menu

Queensland Healthy Kids Menu The Health and Wellbeing Queensland Healthy Kids Menu initiative is a healthy eating initiative designed to improve the availability and promotion of healthier food and drink options for children in Queensland non-fast-food venues. The aim...